All about sleep

Everything you need to better understand sleep and its importance for your health.

What is sleep?

We all have some notion about the nature of sleep. However, when we really think about sleep, we begin to realize that it is actually tricky to define because we cannot really observe ourselves when we sleep. We are, in essence, elsewhere when it happens; we experience another state of mind. For researchers, studying the brain of a person who is awake and conscious is already challenging. So, it’s not surprising that it is even more puzzling to understand how the brain works when a person is sound asleep.

Why sleep?

By the end of our lives, we will have spent 1/3 of our time sleeping. Sleep is a fundamental human need, but more than half of Canadians report that they cut back on sleep when they need more time to accomplish more during the day. One-third of Canadians sleep fewer hours per night than the recommended number. Yet, sleep is a valuable ally for physical and psychological health as well as for the prevention of health problems. There is still a long way to go to ensure that the need for sleep is recognized by public and health professionals and for it to be considered a critical determinant of health.

Sleep, a personal and lifelong natural need

What makes us want to fall asleep? What keeps us awake? Several biological forces and environmental cues regulate the complex system of sleep.

Age-specific dos and don’ts

Dos and don’ts sleep related recommendations by age group.

The why and the how of dreams

Dreaming is a normal mental activity that occurs while we sleep. Everybody dreams. In fact, we experience about three to six dreams every night and spend about 25% of our time asleep dreaming, although some researchers believe this percentage might be considerably higher!

10 simple tips for better sleep

Here are 10 simple tips related to daily habits, nightly routines, and the bedroom environment that can help you get more satisfying sleep.

Facts about sleep to sleep on (under construction)

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Your bedroom (under construction)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ut pharetra lorem, et mollis nunc. Maecenas gravida nunc nec augue facilisis, eget sagittis felis accumsan. Fusce id tempor leo. Duis suscipit odio erat. Sed laoreet sodales magna. Ut dictum leo eleifend leo elementum, ut interdum erat congue. Phasellus eu blandit ante, non rutrum quam. Nunc diam sapien, vulputate nec iaculis eget, imperdiet vitae tortor.